Got Residual Income?

Our company is offering an amazing "X-Factor" Bonus Promotion, & the MAXIMUM Bonuses go thru THIS Friday at midnight! How many people believe in YOU & will join YOU in helping others AND making MONEY?!
The most that you can personally invest is only $1,320, which has a 100% 30-day money-back guarantee, & 90% for up to a YEAR So, take the number of people that will join you THIS WEEK, multiply that by $800, and THAT is what YOU will get paid NEXT FRIDAY!
2 people = $1,600 to YOU
3 = $2,400
5 = $4,000, AND SO ON!!!
Email me ASAP so we have time to get your people started to give THEM enough time to earn THEIR bonuses before Friday at midnight, too! This all adds to YOUR Residual Income, too! Getting paid month after month after month for something you started ONE TIME is truly AMAZING! Ask your insurance agents how they like it! Or ask any music recording artists how they enjoy Royalties! How many times did you get paid for something you did months ago?