How many COUNTRIES do you want to make money?

One country?  Three?  Thirteen?  Or MORE?!  We are already in 36 or so countries, & GROWING!  Do YOU want to be a part of Global Expansion in a soon-to-be BILLION DOLLAR company?  This is AWESOME for those that actually DO something about it!!!
Join us in Zija International's Global Expansion from 32 countries to 100+!

I met with a guy today that SAYS he's sick & tired of being sick & tired, BUT he's unwilling to do anything different!  That's INSANITY!!!  Even with working for the city, he KNOWS he has NO Job Security!  He feels the only thing that may keep him there a little longer is his sense of humor, keeping others amused & uplifted.  Is that any way to live at 54, or ANY age?!  NO!!!

A young lady & single mom that I recently met was supposed to be getting 25 hours a week at her new job, but last week, she got 9 1/2.  She's told me the past 2 days she's not going to stay there long, but submitting applications & resumes isn't getting her ANYWHERE either.

I say all of that for two reasons:  1) not everyone will do this business; but 2) if you KNOW what you're doing isn't working or won't last, try something that IS working for SO many people nowadays!  Otherwise, you have NO right to complain about your situation.

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