Want 38% Better Chance Success with New Year's Resolutions?
Statistics show that people who start their New Year's Resolutions NOW, & don't wait until January, have a 38% higher rate of success!!! That is HUGE!!! Otherwise, other stats show that people 'fade away' from their Resolutions by January 22nd on average. That's on AVERAGE, meaning some are even LESS! 22 days isn't long enough to form a habit!
Let's work TOGETHER so we ALL reach & SURPASS our 2016 goals right now out of the gate!!! There's no sense in trying to do it all alone, since I believe that success would be BORING by yourself!
Let's work TOGETHER so we ALL reach & SURPASS our 2016 goals right now out of the gate!!! There's no sense in trying to do it all alone, since I believe that success would be BORING by yourself!
#LetsGrowTOGETHER, #ProsperAndTHRIVE
for our families to live #LifeUnlimited!!!
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Get 38% higher chance of success by starting your New Year's Resolutions NOW... NOT January 1st!!! #LetsGrowTOGETHER!!! Jon@JackedOnLife.com |