
Showing posts from May, 2016

Upgrading Lifestyles is Our Business

#UpgradingLifestyles with more time, more money, & more FUN! If you want any or ALL of those, email me NOW!!!  I'm looking for 2-3 new people to help reach & SURPASS their goals! I am looking for 2-3 new people that are SERIOUS about wanting more time, more money, & having MORE FUN!!!  I'm NOT looking for someone who is 'interested' in it, or wanting to 'try' because neither of those display seriousness. We are in the business of Upgrading Lifestyles, getting you to where you want to be in life... & BEYOND.  Why?  Because that gets us where WE want to be... & BEYOND!  #PayingItForward is our chosen lifestyle. So #LetsGrowTOGETHER, #ProsperAndTHRIVE, #UpgradingLifestyles for our families to live #LifeUnlimited for generations to come!!!  #TeamProsperity is here to HELP YOU!!!

One Sure Way to Kill a Business...

Don't ever settle.  There's always a way to improve something for yourself or someone. It's NOT all about 'Number One'. "The one thing that is absolutely sure to kill a business is complacency." ~ #WarrenBuffett Do NOT settle for where you are right now.  We can ALWAYS do better.  How?  By helping more people upgrade THEIR lifestyles. #ShareYourSmileEveryDay #LetsGrowTOGETHER, #ProsperAndTHRIVE, #UpgradingLifestyles for our families to live #LifeUnlimited!!!

Memorial Day Tribute... THANK YOU!

#ChrissyPhotography We are so blessed in this amazing country to have such brave men & women fighting for our safety & freedoms.  Unfortunately, that comes with sacrifice, including laying down their lives to protect & defend us.  I cannot ever say enough to those people so selfless.  I thank their families as well since they sacrifice so much as well 'at home' while their loved ones serve. Thank you & God bless!!!

Please Support Me in Bike MS: Tour de Farms

This pic was after Day 1 of 2015's Bike MS:  Tour de Farms. Hopefully I'll remember to REAPPLY sunscreen DURING 2016's ride!  #DontJustRide, #BikeMS!!! I will be driving from NC to #Chicagoland for a few weeks next month & into July.  I'm excited to see family, meet my new nephew, & ride Bike MS:  Tour de Farms again! Can I count on you for support with fundraising?  PLEASE!!!  Any amount is GREATLY appreciated. Support #BikeMS with Jonathan Wilson (me)! I will keep working toward #AworldFreeOfMS , & then I will put those efforts toward another amazing cause. Thank you SO very much!

Happy Freedom Friday & Memorial Day Weekend

May God continue blessing you & your families. What are you doing this holiday weekend?  We all have to remember what the Memorial Day holiday is all about.  I am so grateful for what SO many amazing men & women have done for our country, sacrificing themselves for the betterment & safety of the U.S.A.   PLEASE don't take our freedoms for granted, because as we all know, freedom is not free.

I LOVE spontaneity & FUN!

Here's MY idea of #TriathlonTraining! It's much funner than what I've seen friends endure!  Plus, you get LOTS of smiles in traffic & along the roads! #LetsGrowTOGETHER !!! If it isn't fun, why do it?!  Here is my #Triathlon training yesterday!  I love sharing smiles & laughter!  I truly believe laughter is a #DailyRequirement !

How to Enjoy Mondays Like They're Fridays

It truly is YOUR choice to love Mondays... or not. When you become a part of #TeamProsperity , we will gladly help you get where you want as well. #LetsGrowTOGETHER, #ProsperAndTHRIVE! You, too, CAN enjoy Mondays like they're Fridays!  How?  CHOOSE to love what you 'do' & the day on the calendar is irrelevant.  #ChooseWisely ! I truly love helping people upgrade their lifestyle in whatever form or fashion they want, & that is SO rewarding, on many levels. #LetsGrowTOGETHER for #LifeUmlimied !

How to Earn Time Freedom

Do YOU want Time Freedom? We CAN get that for YOU, too! #LetsGrowTOGETHER !!! Time Freedom is a commodity that many people would love to have but can't attain since they don't have enough time to work on it!  You may have enough money, just not the time to enjoy it with family & friends.  That's a pesky predicament! Well, I'm here to tell you that CAN change for you, too!  How?  You must TRULY want it, enough to actually #TakeAction , & then we will work TOGETHER & MAKE IT HAPPEN! One 'catch'... you MUST enjoy helping others reach THEIR goals since that's how we make it happen for all of us... paying it forward.  #TeamProsperity is here to get YOU where you want via helping many  others get 'where' they want to be!  After all,  succeeding alone would be SO boring!!! #LetsGrowTOGETHER, #ProsperAndTHRIVE to live #LifeUnlimited!!!

Residul Income IS 'Money in the Bank'

Residual Income is AMAZING!  Ask ANYONE who knows about it, & I'd BET that they're earning it, too!  #LetsGrowTOGETHER , #ProsperAndTHRIVE to live #LifeUnlimited !!! Now that I know WHAT Residual Income is and now that I'm EARNING it, I will NOT ever go without it.  I wish I had been taught about it in school.  Well, High School, not the School of Hard Knocks.

Smile For NO Reason

Share the Universal Sign of Happiness... your SMILE!  Share it with as many people as possible EVERY day... family, friends, AND perfect strangers!!!  It will make you AND them feel better.  #LetsGrowTOGETHER being HAPPIER! Smiles ARE contagious, so share yours every day with everyone you encounter!  Statistics show that smiling has SO many benefits, including with your health & productivity, & no drawbacks (that I've seen).  Happiness IS a choice, as is regret, so #ChooseWisely . #LetsGrowTOGETHER, #ProsperAndTHRIVE to live #LifeUnlimited!!!

5 Magical Tips for Achieving Your Goals

Setting and ACHIEVING goals is easier as a TEAM!  What do YOU want to accomplish for yourself and/or your family?  Let's work TOGETHER to reach, surpass, & go BEYOND your expectations! #LetsGrowTOGETHER to truly live #LifeUnlimited !!!  (Image by We (myself included) need to follow these steps, including the DAILY activities required to reach our goals.  We all (at least the people I associate with) want better for ourselves, our families, & our futures, so #LetsGrowTOGETHER !!! (Linked article by .)

There's ALWAYS a 'Catch'

We get to upgrade lifestyles worldwide, but pay CLOSE attention, there IS a catch. #LetsGrowTOGETHER !!! m So many things seem to have a catch... small print... strings attached.  Well, this is NO different, so please pay CLOSE attention... You MUST enjoy helping others succeed to be a part of #TeamProsperity .  We only want partners with positive mindsets who truly want to see others prosper & thrive.  After all, that's how WE grow.  Plus, succeeding alone would be SO boring! #LetsGrowTOGETHER !!!

NOW is the time...

We need more DOERS & less talkers. #LetsGrowTOGETHER from today forward for our families to live #LifeUnlimited . Yes, preparation is necessary, BUT Analysis Paralysis sets in WAY too quickly.  So, let us help you reach & surpass your goals & aspirations.  You've talked about it long enough. #TakeAction ! Here are the most common things that most people want out of life: 1.  More time, 2.  More money, 3.  More FUN (to enjoy life), & 4.  Better health. We have all of those covered, whether you want one of them, all of them, or any combination.  How?  By having the right 'vehicle' with endless possibilities.  You'll see & agree!  Let's chat to see what YOU want & we will put a gameplan together to make it happen sooner than later, & NOT 'Someday'. #LetsGrowTOGETHER, #ProsperAndTHRIVE for our families to live #LifeUnlimited!!!

Time Freedom: Kayking around Lake Norman

Granted this was on Mother's Day, but it is very nice to have #TimeFreedom to do this weekdays BETWEEN 9-5 if I want!

Happy Mother's Day to AMAZING women EVERYWHERE!!!

We love you, moms!!!  Thank you!!! #‎ HappyMothersDay‬ to MY ‪#‎ 1Mom‬ & ALL of the amazing moms for what you've already done & keep doing every single day, whether in person, across many miles, or Heavenly. I love seeing many people post about THEIR 'Best Mom in the World' or THEIR '#1 Mom'.  Moms are GREAT!  We couldn't have gotten here without them.

"'Tomorrow' is the most dangerous word in your vocabulary."

Stop procrastinating... 'tomorrow' never comes. Nor does 'someday'.  #LetsGrowTOGETHER , #ProsperAndTHRIVE for our families to live #LifeUnlimited ! 'Tomorrow' can stand for hope, yet it can also be the devastation of your dreams.  Just like 'Someday', 'Tomorrow' isn't on ANY calendar.  Don't wait for either.  #LetsGrowTOGETHER NOW!!! Watch this video EVERY day.

Aren't You Tired of Ordering from Menus Right-to-Left?

STOP living life with this expression from having to order from a menu right-to-left.  We have a better way! #LetsGrowTOGETHER !!! STOP having this expression from having to read menus from right-to-left!  Let's work together to have the means to order what you want whenever you want!  It isn't about spending the most money; it's about living without money being an issue. Most of us have been in the situation of having to choose which of the four tires on our car is the worst, & just having enough to replace it.  Then, as another gets worse, we scrounge up just enough to replace it. If you're tired of living with 'just enough'... or worse, 'NOT enough'... email me NOW ! #LetsGrowTOGETHER, #ProsperAndTHRIVE for our families to truly live #LifeUnlimited!!!

Happy Cinco de Mayo!!! Life is a fiesta!!!

I hope you're having a great Cinco de Mayo!!!  Beware of your friends Jose, Jack, & Jim playing cruel jokes on you, though!  Their buds Dom, Grey, Caesar, Sherry, Molson, Brandy, & Cristal are jokesters, too, especially when more than one of them comes to the party! Have fun & be safe!!!

Who Wants to Live Life Unlimited With Us?

Don't just 'follow' me, JOIN US!  My Mission is to help COUNTLESS people upgrade their lifestyles, WORLDWIDE! I can only do that by helping YOU, & helping you help OTHERS. It's time for US to make the changes in our lives that WE want. #LetsGrowTOGETHER !!! Are you looking to have more time?  Are you tired of having more month at the end of the money?  Does having more FUN sound great to you?  Or a combination of all three? This isn't some gimmick, or fly-by-night 'opportunity'.  We truly have a better way that is actually getting people to reach & surpass their goals.  How?  By working together, helping more people get what they want.  The more we help you & others, the better off we are as well.  So, put us to work & keep us busy! #LetsGrowTOGETHER, #ProsperAndTHRIVE to live #LifeUnlimited!! "Life should be enjoyed, not endured." ~ Jon Wilson (me)

Preparation is KEY to Success, Prosperity, & Thriving

Learn to prepare in advance, not just react to situations in life.  Your stress, anxiety, & health will be much better off.  #LetsGrowTOGETHER !!! Most people want better for themselves & their families, yet they don't prepare for chances to advance, or to handle setbacks that 'pop up'.  They simply TRY reacting to situations as they happen, adding stress & anxiety to their lives.  For chances to advance, the lack of money is the most common holdup. We have to learn to prepare ahead of time for good and bad times.  If that sounds like something you want to learn, we have a better way & we're here to help YOU do just that. #LetsGrowTOGETHER